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IMG_0366 2Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Handstand Push-ups
Work through one of the following Handstand Push-up training options.

I. Deficit HSPU’s x 5-5-3-3-3+
II. HSPU’s (CFGS) x 10-8-5-5-5+
III. Scaled HSPU’s x 8-8-5-5-5+

Notes: Emphasis will be to working HSPU kipping skills in preparation for CF Open ROM standards. Time permitting execute 2 sets of max reps HSPU resting as long as necessary for a concerted second effort.

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“Selection by Consequence”
60 x GHD Sit-ups
50 x Ring Push-ups
40 x Hang Clean (115/85lbs)
30 x Shoulder-2-Overhead (115/85lbs)
20 x Toes-2-Bar

Notes: CrossFit.com exercise and movement instruction videos linked HERE; copy and paste any unfamiliar movements into the search field on the movement archive landing page and prime yourselves well. Time commitment is generally :30-1:30 for video length. Get some (knowledge), freaks.

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Samy Daghir

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