Monday 06.10.2019

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Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Barbell Warm-up
2 Rounds
5 x Deadlift
5 x Barbell Row
5 x Hang Power Clean
5 x Front Squat
5 x Shoulder Press
III. Dynamic Movements & Yoga Poses
IV. Static Mobility

Impact/Focus: Barbell Shoulder Press
Warm-up with 3 sets of 3 reps, climbing in weight with conservative jumps in order to preserve movement points of performance. After warming up work through the following six sets of Barbell Shoulder Presses (10:00 time cap), increasing weight provided standards of movement are maintained.

Shoulder Press 5-5-3-3-1-1

Post scores to comments.

“Salmon Ladders”
Versus an 18:00 total time cap complete the following for total reps at the time cap.

30 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
-Bar Facing Burpees x  20
30 x Front Squat (135/95lbs)
-Bar Facing Burpees x 15
30 x Windshield Wipers (15L+15R)
-Bar Facing Burpees x 10
30 x Windshield Wipers (15L+15R)
-Bar Facing Burpees x 15
30 x Front Squat (135/95lbs)
-Bar Facing Burpees x 20
30 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)

**Run at the following time hacks: 2:00, 6:00, 10:00, and 14:00.

– Score as reps achieved; where each run is equal to 1 rep added to the Barbell and Bar Facing Burpee rep load.
– Barbell weight guidelines are 135/95lbs, scale load accordingly to ensure the same load is accomplishable for each of the three movements shown.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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