Monday 07.29.2019

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Vino and Hari (front) reflecting on the FGB! Experience.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Movement Practice EMOTM
EMOTM x 3:00
Handstand Push-up or Kick-up Skill Workload
EMOTM x 3:00
Air Squat Bench/Wall Therapy or
Pistols to target
EMOTM x 3:00
Deadhang Pull-ups + Kipping

Notes: After specific warm-up and mobility to prep for today’s training as well as next week’s benchmarks we will be setting up and working through this gymnastic skill set primer.

“Pieceful Cindy/Mary”
Choose one of the following options and complete as many rounds/reps as possible (AMRAP) during the following work intervals.

5:00 AMRAP
Rest 1:00
5:00 AMRAP
Rest 1:00
5:00 AMRAP
Rest 1:00

Option 1: “Cindy” AMRAP
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible of
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squat

Option 2: “Mary” AMRAP
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Pistols (5L/5R)(Alternating)
15 x Pull-ups

Notes: Use today’s workout as prep for the full version of each workout to appear early next week. Athletes will be coached on proper workout choice, modifications, and approach to each workout. Plan and attack. Score today is cumulative AMRAP as one total rolling score.

Post workout choice and rounds/reps completed to comments.

Skill Development: Skill Refinement & Midline Conditioning

Samy Daghir

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