Wednesday 09.18.2019

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Push/Split Jerk
Every :90 seconds work through the following set/rep assignments, climbing each round as technique and previous set results dictate.

Rounds 1,2,3 (on the :90)
3 x Push/Split Jerk

Rounds 4,5,6 (on the :90)
2 x Push/Split Jerk

Rounds 7,8,9 (on the :90)
1 x Push/Split Jerk

**Ascending weight each set as able.

Notes: Today’s training emphasis and guidance for goals will be reviewed during the whiteboard brief. Get excited…

Post sets/weights to comments.

“Four Letters”
For time
21 x Power Clean (135/95lbs)
21 x Back Rack Lunges (135/95lbs)
40ft/100ft x Handstand Walk or Bearcrawl
15 x Power Clean (135/95lbs)
15 x Back Rack Lunges (135/95lbs)
40ft/100ft x Handstand Walk or Bearcrawl
9 x Power Clean (135/95lbs)
9 x Back Rack Lunges (135/95lbs)
40ft/100ft x Handstand Walk or Bearcrawl

– Scaling and guidance for today will be covered during the whiteboard brief; training & movement reviews.
– Rx+ 165/110lbs and 40/60/80ft per round respectively for the Handstand Walk.
– Bearcrawl subsitutions today are 4:1 for the distance which is 100ft per round. There is one bonus ‘Wheelbarrow’ option provided peers and personal are available for a 2:1 option on the crawled distance.
– Barbells are ideally coming from the floor and moved overhead by the athlete’s discretions and method onto the Back Rack barbell position for the lunges; those with specific requirements may be moving the lunge sets beginning in a squat rack.
– Walking lunges may also be performed as stationary based on athlete individual scaling needs or as a plan for class size adaptation needs.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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