Tuesday 11.12.2019

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Announcement: Tomorrow we have our Veteran’s Day Armistice Team Workout during normal class times.

Warm-up Drills
I. Spikeball or Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Power Snatch Singles
Complete 2 x Power Snatch every :75 for 9 rounds total, climbing in weight from the first round at 60% of a 1rm as able every 1-2 rounds.

9 Rounds x Every :75 seconds
Complete the following

1 x Power Snatch (climb weight per 1-2 rounds)

Notes: Utilize weights today that facilitate movement development and competency by warming up to and starting working sets at 60% of a 1rm. Climbing by 5% per round to 95% today would be an ideal path for most of the crew. Scaling and additional guidance will be covered during pre training whiteboard briefs.

Post scores to comments.

“APFT Primer”
4 Rounds of the following AMRAP cycle
3:00 AMRAP of
9 x Push-ups
12 x KB Swings
15 x Abmat Sit-ups (Anchored)
Rest 1:00

Notes: Each 3:00 resumes where the previous AMRAP paused.

Post scores to comments as one cumulative AMRAP.

Samy Daghir

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