Thursday 11.21.2019

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JOIN US AND SLING SOME STEEL THIS SATURDAY! In House Weightlifting Meet available to any of our crew who want to aain some competitive experience… Come get in the mix for an Olympic Lifting throw down after open gym! Bring the lumber, freaks!

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m / Jumprope x 2:00
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Handstands & Pistols EMOTM
For 12 Rounds complete the following; every minute on the minute.

Odd Minutes x 4-6 reps (strict or kipping) Handstand Push-ups
Even Minutes x 6-10 reps (alternating L/R) x Pistols

Notes: Scaling options for modified HSPU’s, Handstand Walks, Pistol scaling will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

“BAMCIS 2020”
Complete for time
10-8-6-4-2 x Front Squat (95/65lbs)
10-10-10-10-10 x Toes-to-bar
35-35-35-35-35 x Double-unders

Notes: Rx+ complete each set unbroken before moving on in the WOD; Front Squat weight upgraded to 135/95lbs respectively. Scaling for Knees-2-Elbows will be hanging knee raises, Supine Leg Raises, or Abmat Sit-ups. Additional details for scaling will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development & Accessory
*Remedial Skill work and skill progression establishment for athletes that wish for additional guidance and coaching.
*Recovery & Mobility Efforts.
*Preparatory Emphasis on tomorrow’s 5RM Deadlift training.

Samy Daghir

1 thought on “Thursday 11.21.2019”

  1. Impact/Focus: Ring Rows with slow negatives/Pistols to Bumper Stack 6/8
    “BAMCIS 2020” : 11:27 DU round 1 & SU x2 thereafter / 75#/GHD for T2B


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