Monday 12.16.2019

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m / Jumprope x 2:00
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Back Squat Week 5
Against a 15:00 running clock accomplish the following warm-up and working sets.

Warm-up sets/reps:
5 x Light Weight Technique Set
3 x 50%
3 x 65-70%

Working sets/reps:
Back Squat x 5 sets @ 5 reps each
(+ 10 to 15lbs from previous Monday)

Post scores to comments.

“Filthy 150: Spinning Catherine”
For time, versus a 14:00 time cap

160 x Double-unders
30ft x 1-arm Overhead Walking Lunges (35/20lbs)
24 x Alternating 1-arm DB Thrusters (12L+12R @35/20lbs)
30ft x 1-arm Overhead Walking Lunges
24 x Alternating 1-arm DB Thrusters
30ft x 1-arm Overhead Walking Lunges
160 x Double-unders

Notes: All movements have two dumbbells in play. For the 30ft x 1-arm Overhead Walking Lunges one arm is carrying the dumbbell locked out overhead, the other is carrying at hip (think farmer’s carry). Single-under scaling today requisites 200 repetitions at the beginning and end of the WOD. Rx weight is 35/20lbs, rx+ may select 50/35lbs.

Spoilers: “Annie” and “Fran” approach post holiday.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

3 thoughts on “Monday 12.16.2019”

  1. Back squat: 185#
    Spinning Catherine: yeah I flubbed this one up, it took me a million minutes to finish the first set of dubs and then I did twice as many sets of lunges so I’ll just say I did some good exercising this morning.

  2. Extra credit for Kerri !!
    “Back Squats” : 155 #
    “Filthy 150: Spinning Catherine” : 18:58
    Modified: 200 SUs/35# DB Front Rack Walking Lunges/24 75# Full Cleans
    Most of the time was due to the cleans.


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