Wednesday Home WOD 03.25.2020

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Temporary Closing of All Classes from:

Tuesday, March 24th through April 6th. 

Details on this may be found at the end of the post.



Warm-up Drills
1. 3-4 Rounds of
Run, Bike, Row,
or Jumprope via Single-unders/Running in place
1:00 minute x 70-80% RPE (how hard you are working: ‘Rate of Perceived Exertion’)

2. Perform 1-2 Rounds of the following complex of dynamic movements across 10-15ft of space (adjust as necessary)
Tall Duck Walks
Spiderman Lunges
Reverse lunges
Tall Bear Crawl Forward
Low Bear Crawl Backwards
Alternating Lateral Lunges

3. Once dynamics and jump rope segments of warm-up have been completed finish with foam rolling, banded drills, or lax ball/PVC drills as available or individually desired. Also work through the following:
10 x Cat-Cows
10 x Scorpions
Child’s Pose
Seal Stretch

4. Set-up a stable station in similar to paralettes (examples in video on our fb members page). Follow the link for the coolest of home DIY ideas this week…

Notes: LINK —> CrossFit Journal, simple paralette making guide! Link found HERE.

Impact/Focus: Establishing Gymnastics Pulling & Static/Dynamic Core Strengths EMOTM

Working for 1:00 x resting for :30 work through 12 Rounds of the following

Odd Intervals: 10-20 reps of Pulling via movement progression assignments
Even Intervals: Cumulative :15 to :21 second L-sit Hold via movement progression assignments

Notes: Today’s training emphasis begins in the Impact/Focus with a gymnastics couplet of foundational strengths. The movement (pulling) and static hold (core/midline) progressions that will described both here and on the video overview we hope will provide each athlete with both a starting point to train these aspects of CrossFit training foundational strength as well as the next goal and building block for the following Wednesday’s training session. Notes and logging are key (and a morale boost for your coaches!

1. Body Row (bar, rings, rope, strap set-up)
2. Pike position variation
3. Jumping Pull-ups with :01 squeeze at top and minor resistance for controlled negative
4. Banded Pull-ups (those with the equipment necessary)
5. Jumping Pull-ups, Gymnastics Kipping Pull-ups, Butterfly Kipping Pull-ups, C2B Variations, etc… all use care in ensuring a stable Pull-up station for anything involving kips/gymnastic aspects of the Pull-up.
6. Weight vests if you’re feeling frisky…

1. Variety in set-up building on options shown from warm-up Paralette Shoot Thru Drills.
2. As needed athletes may scale to a hanging version this but will still drill and train paralette skills to build on this for next week.
3. Hollow Rock Drills to begin development.

Post scores to comments.

“Daes Deuce”
1 Round for time of

30 x Dumbbell 1 arm Thruster
30 x Dumbbell 1-arm Paralette Row

50 x Busted Wipers (bumper plate)
50 x Dumbbell 1 arm Hang Clean & Overhead

50 x Mountain Climbers (bumper plate)
30 x Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges

50 x Dumbbell Russian Twists
30 x Dumbbell 1-arm Thrusters


1. Scaling options for movements should be adjusted as needed. Scaling all sets of 50 reps to 30 reps and all sets of 30 reps to 18 reps would be an ideal adjustment for a scaled workload as well, this is a tough chipper today, intended for quality and control/familiarization with Dumbbells or other objects to potentially use for today’s training.

2. Examples will be shown in the video overview for your creative ruminations.

3. “Scaling Reps Version”
1 Round for time of

20 x Dumbbell 1 arm Thruster
20 x Dumbbell 1-arm Paralette Row

30 x Busted Wipers (bumper plate)
30 x Dumbbell 1 arm Hang Clean & Overhead

30 x Mountain Climbers (bumper plate)
20 x Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges

30 x Dumbbell Russian Twists
20 x Dumbbell 1-arm Thrusters

Post scores to comments.



Temporary Closing of All Classes from:

Tuesday, March 24th through April 6th. 

This Post heading will be a maintained notice with any additional news forthcoming as we navigate through this crisis together, albeit remotely.

We at the gym simply couldn’t hold back any longer as need for action on behalf of the safety of our athletes overcame the desire to operate our business and passion.
We are hopeful that the curtailing of our daily operations lends positive efforts towards ‘flattening the curve’, we wish all of our members the safest of times until we get to see you all again in the near future.
During this quarantine and social distancing period, which will be challenging for us all in different ways, you may stay tuned here for daily programming and zoom info.
Those that need to modify memberships please let us know, we are hoping to handle the financial implications of this in stride.
Stay safe, CrossFitters, we already miss you boatloads.

Please get ahold of us anytime via email or phone with any questions or concerns.

Samy Daghir

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Home WOD 03.25.2020”

  1. I did a lot of modifications. For the impact/focus, I slung a theraband around my curtain rod and did banded rows. I can’t actually do L-sits but I set up two kettlebells like paralettes and held my body for about 15 seconds, taking one single leg off the floor.

    For the workout, I did the scaled reps version but I don’t have dumbbells (my kettlebells are too heavy for overhead single arm movements) so I used a 10kg plate and did thrusters with the plate and ground to overhead with a plate instead of the hang clean and jerk. For the paralette rows, I did paralette opposite shoulder taps because I didn’t have anything to row 🙂 I used my plate for the Russian twists.

    All that took me 18:07 but to be fair I stopped to make a few movement videos in that time…I will post on my Instagram (mizkerri)!

  2. Jumping pull ups (10-12 per round)
    Hollow rocks – 15 per round

    25# DB (used it for wipers too)
    Lunges in place held DB “goblet” style

  3. For impact/focus I did bent over rows with 35#DB for the pulls 15reps each arm in the alloted minute of work. And did 15 hollow rocks in place of L-sits per min of work.

    Daes Deuce- Scaled version(20’s&30’s) 15:05 35#DB Bobby kept whipping his head around at me when it came to the mountain climbers… No bueno in my third floor appt! Haha so I walked the mountain climbers in and out instead. Also, I did the lunges in place instead of walking cause I was afraid of sounding like a hippo! This sure has been interesting!???? ????


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