Wednesday Home/Virtual WOD 05.27.2020

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Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times

Daily @9am

Meeting ID: 793 1533 8626

Daily @6pm

Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780

Warm-up Drills
I. 2:00 to 4:00 x Run, Row, or Jump Rope
II. 3 Rounds of
8 x Deadbugs
8 x Snow Angels
10 x Shoulder Taps
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

“Tabata Soup”
With a Running Clock of Tabata Intervals for a total of 24 minutes

Tabata x Double-unders/Single-unders
:30 Rest

Tabata x Handstand Hold/Modified Handstand Hold
:30 Rest

Tabata L-sit/L-sit Flutter Kicks
:30 Rest

Tabata V-ups/Toes-2-Medball
:30 Rest

:30 Rest

Tabata x Double-unders/Single-unders

Notes: Perform a Tabata interval (eight rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest) of each movement. Each Tabata is followed by :30 seconds of rest. Scale the first jump rope tabata to single-unders, or perhaps try going singles for the :20 x :10 doubles for as long as possible during the jump rope intervals.

Post scores to comments.

Accessory WOD: “The Berry Burn-off”
5 Rounds for reps as follows, with 1-2:00 Rest between efforts.

Max Reps Press (1-arm or Barbell)

Directly into…

Max Reps Push Press (1-arm or Barbell)


Match reps from each arm or total Barbell (Press + Push Press)
Barbell Row/1-arm Row

Climb weight if able or work with guidance towards the 50/35lb standard. Scaled to 35/20lbs.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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