Friday 06.19.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. 2:00 to 4:00 x Run, Row, or Jump Rope
II. 3 Rounds of
10 x Deadbugs
10 x Snow Angels
10 x Shoulder Taps (plank)
10 x American KB Swings
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

“The Deck O’ Cards”

Each class may accept the previous classes challenge as dealt or receive a fresh shuffle and draw. Teams of 2-3 athletes, each card must be completed by all teammates before moving onto the next task. 45:00 time cap.

1. Bumper Ground-to-Overhead
2. 2-Arm Russian Swings
3. 2-Arm American KB Swings
4. 1-Arm KB/DB Snatch

2-10# 10 reps
A, J,Q,K# 20 reps

2-10# Sprint around building
A,J,Q,K# Sprint 200m

1. Dead Bugs
2. Plank Shoulder Taps
3. Plank Jacks
4. V-ups

2-10# 10 reps
A, J,Q,K# 20 reps

1. Scaled pushups
2. pushups
3. ring push-ups
4. Clapping Push-ups

2-10# 10 reps
A,J,Q,K# 20 reps

Jokers: 30 x Slamball


Each athlete will select one of the options for each of the following suits so that there is ONE designated movement per suit/card ID.

Card’s numbered 2 through 10 for each suit are assigned as 10 x the selected movement.

Face cards and Aces are 20 x reps each.

Jokers will be 30 x Slamballs… and there are 4 x Joker cards in today’s magical deck o’ cards.

Example of one athlete’s deck o’ cards assignment would be as follows…

2-10 = 10 x Plank Jacks
Faces & Aces = 20 x Plank Jacks

2-10 = 10 x Push-ups
Faces & Aces = 20 x Push-ups

2-10 = 10 x American KB Swings
Faces & Aces = 20 x American KB Swings

2-10 = Run 100m Lap (around building)
Faces & Aces = 200m

30 x Slamball

Samy Daghir

1 thought on “Friday 06.19.2020”

  1. Team Deck o’ Cards: Completed all but 16 rounds with Heidi

    K: 40# Russian Swings & Deadbugs

    H: 25# bumper G2OH/16kg swings & plank-jacks


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