Tuesday 06.30.2020

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This Friday, July 3rd we will be running our normal class schedule of
5:30 am
6:45 am
8:00 am
4:00 pm
5:15 pm

CFNH will be closed Saturday and Sunday the 4th and 5th of July.

This year’s Independence Day HERO WOD will be “MURPH”; now that the crew is back together sharing in some outstanding company during our training. YESSSSSSSS!

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or 2:00 x Jumprope
II. 3 Rounds of
7 x Russian KB Swings
7 x American KB Swings
10 x Shoulder Taps (plank)
15 x Hollow Rocks
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

Impact/Focus: Tasked Intervals Push-ups & L-sits
The following training format flows as follows; 8 Rounds of a Push-up Movement at :20 seconds working to achieve goal reps and :20 seconds of rest. Take a :80 seconds to rest and reset before the second series of tasks. Complete 8 Rounds of an L-sit hold at :20 seconds working to achieve goal hold time with :20 seconds of rest.

8 Rounds of the following
Working for :20 seconds x Resting for :20 seconds

Pick one of the following options and complete each work interval for sustained efforts at 5, 10 or 15 rep assignments.

1. Ring Push-ups
2. Push-ups
3. Scaled Push-ups (elevated hand position or snake with negative)

Rest :80 Seconds, Then…

8 Rounds of the following
Working for :20 seconds x Resting for :20 seconds

Pick one of the following options and complete each work interval for sustained efforts at :05, :10 or :15 second hold time assignments.

1. Rings L-sit
2. Static/Paralettes L-sit
3. Scaled L-sit (floor version)

“Mario Cart”
Complete as many Rounds/Reps as possible in 15:00 of
Run 400m
12-9-6 reps of
American Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Notes: Each round has a mini 12-9-6 couplet after each Run or substitute movement/task. If inclement weather make Running substitutes necessary we will logistically utilize either 75 x Double-unders/150 x Single-unders or a 8 x 50ft shuttle sprint; total length 400ft.

Scaled format: Work 7 minutes, rest 2 minutes, work 6 minutes for a total AMRAP score. Scale weight and volume as necessary.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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