Tuesday 09.08.2020

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Coach Samy Reports back with a decent little view from the top (near Mt Carrigan) … with so many of the crew crushing mountain hikes, runs, & bushwhacks we simply must all accept the Austere Handstand Photo mission once again. I’ve already got a primo one planned… gauntlet thrown. (PS. WELCOME BACK FROM THE LONG WEEKEND!)

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Dynamic Mobility
Lateral Duck Walk (L+R)
Pike Walk
Spiderman Lunges
Lateral Lunges (L+R)
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

*Extra Credit Overhead Mobility Efforts for the week = Foam Rolling Lats, Posterior Shoulders, Scaps, and relative additional drills. Intended for long term benefit as well as for immediate impact on today’s Pull-ups & tomorrow’s Handstand Push-ups.

Impact/Focus: Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1

10-8-6 rep sets of Air Squat Therapy buy in.
Warm-up as necessary before working through the following sets/reps every 2:00 minutes. Climb weight as able, referencing 1 and 3 rep records from the training linked below in the notes section.

Every 2:00 complete the following workload

Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1
(climb weight as able across sets)


  • Training Links for a recent 1 rep record may be found HERE 08.10.2020, or a 3 rep record found HERE 08.10.2020.
  • Attempt to match (+/-10%) or exceed these numbers today as able. Keep in mind having a governor on pushing heavy loads with consideration to the Benchmark “Diane” approaching tomorrow.

Post scores to comments.

15:00 total working time.

Select from the following options of
On the 1 minute (15 Rounds),
On the 2 minutes (10 Rounds),
or On the 3 minutes (5 Rounds)
and complete the task shown below on the intervals chosen.

5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squats


  • Pacing for consistent work output and refining/improving the three gymnastic movements incorporated into training today is intended more than redlining the engine in this metcon.
  • Scaling the workload to 3-6-9 reps respectively is another approach to modifying today’s training
  • This is a teaser benchmark based on the full version of “Chelsea” that runs every minute for 30 minutes with the same rep scheme; just wanted to share some spoiler hints for untapped ‘fun’ in the future. Our new stock of pull-up assisted bands are ready to rock in establishing Pull-up scaling standards and baselines for progress intended in the following weeks.
  • Welcome back, ninjas!

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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