Wednesday 09.09.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility & Foam Rolling
*Warm-up Drills and movements today will emphasize the Handstand Push-up and the Barbell Deadlift in preparation for the Benchmark Workout “Diane” described below.

Complete this benchmark WOD for time

21-15-9 reps of
Deadlift (225/155lbs)
Handstand Push-ups

Notes: Scaling will follow the work established the past few weeks regarding metcon work with the Barbell Deadlift and Handstand Push-ups/Scaling Progressions in progress.

Post scores to comments.

Recovery & Midline Assistance Work:
Pace as needed post Benchmark “Diane”; if gas is still left in the tank then by all means, get some, ninjas.

Versus a 10:00 Running Clock

Row 100m
10 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
Row 200m
15 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
Row 300m
20 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
Row 400m
25 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
Row 500m

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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