Wednesday 08.31.2022

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Congratulations to Bethany & Bobby on welcoming Emilia into the world at 7lbs 5oz!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. 3 Rounds of
5 x Push-ups
10 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Air Squats
III. Dynamic Series & Mobility

Impact/Focus: Dumbbell Press
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.”
Select from the following two paths for Dumbbell Press today and complete on the clock respectively following the warm-up sets & movement review.

I. 5 sets of 5 reps @65-75% 1RM (Every 2:00)
II. 10 sets of 2 reps @85-95% 1RM (Every 1:00)

Complete a lightweight set at less than 40% of a 1RM x 10-20 reps to complete today’s Press training.

Post scores to comments.

“Lactate Threshold”
Complete for total time, treat each section as a max effort sprint.

Row 250m
20 x Bumper Ground-to-Overhead
20 x Bumper Plate Devil’s Press
20 x Burpees w/ Jump to Plate

Rest 1:00

Row 500m
15 x Bumper Ground-to-Overhead
15 x Bumper Plate Devil’s Press
15 x Burpees w/ Jump to Plate

Rest 1:00

Row 750m
10 x Bumper Ground-to-Overhead
10 x Bumper Plate Devil’s Press
10 x Burpees w/ Jump to Plate

Notes: 45/35lbs for the bumper plate weight, scaled as needed.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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