Monday 03.27.2023

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As of her sending us this update, Heidi has visited 8 locations in 10 days for the Women’s Co-op she’s been working like heck on in Rwanda. Five of the 8 locations she visited are new with 70 Women working to build their lives, skills, trades, and potential for comprehensively experienced prosperity together. I am so humbled and privileged to know this woman, she is the heart of these wins. (Kind of awesomely timed during Women’s Month, but luckily Heidi maintains this kind of philanthropy and self actualization year round.) YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00 or 35kcal
II. 2 Rounds of 10 x Air Squats, 7 x Push-ups & 15 x Hollow Rocks
III. Dynamic Drills
III. Mobility (Seal Stretch, Pigeons, Seated Straddle, Child’s Pose, Banded & Wall Drills)

Impact/Focus: Gymnastic Movement Primer
12:00 set up for 4 rounds x 3:00

Focusing on quality and improved movement efficiency during prep sets.
Athletes will be set up to progress through mobility or prep movements through practice sets for the following Benchmark WODs. Some examples to progress through for each 3:00 round may look like a paced round of

Option I: 4 Rounds on the 3:00 of “Cindy” as
3-5 x Scap Pull-ups to Deadhang to Kipping Practice
5-7 x Cat Cows to Scap Push-ups to Push-ups
10 x Air Squats
*Bench/Band/Wall Squat Therapy Drills

Option II: 4 Rounds on the 3:00 of “Mary” as
2-3 x Strict HSPU Warm-up
10 x Pistols Warm-up
5-7 x Scap Pull-ups to Deadhang to Kipping Practice
*Bench/Band/Wall Squat Therapy Drills

Post warm-up notes to comments.

Benchmarks: “Cindy/Mary”
Choose one of the following options (Pick your only option).

Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squat

Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Pistols (5L/5R)(Alternating)
15 x Pull-ups

Notes: Today’s benchmark scaling and intent will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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