WOD & Blog


By Samy Daghir / July 20, 2016 / 6 Comments

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 10.37.34 PMWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2-3 rounds of
:15 x Ring Support
5 x Ring Rows
10 x Thrusters (45lbs)
III. Mobility

21-15-9 reps for time of
Thruster (95/65lbs)

Notes: Compare to 06.02.2015 linked HERE.

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Skill Development: Row Intervals
Complete the following row intervals.
Row 500m
Rest 1:00
Row 400m
Rest 1:00
Row 300m
Rest 1:00
Row 200m
Rest 1:00
Row 100m

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By Samy Daghir / July 19, 2016 / 4 Comments


Congratulation to Jeff for completing the Runner’s World Classic this past weekend. This involved him completing a 5K and 10K on Saturday, and then a half marathon on Sunday. What an accomplishment, we’re proud of you.

Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Deadlift (45lbs)
5 x Barbell Row
5 x Power Clean
5 x Press
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus #1: Power Clean Singles EMOTM
Warm-up as needed before completing the following workload every minute on the minute for 10:00.

1 x Power Clean

Notes: Athletes should increase weight for as long as possible.

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Impact/Focus #2: Barbell Row
Warm up as needed before completing the following workload for Barbell Row.

Barbell Row 5-5-5-5-5-5

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5-10:00 Metabolic Conditioning

Skill Development
Mobilize and prepare for Thursday’s glory!

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By Samy Daghir / July 18, 2016 / 2 Comments

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 11.02.47 PMWarm-up Drills
I. Run 200m
II. 9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Ring Dips
Warm-up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before working through your current level of progression with ring dips.
Part I
I. Weighted Ring Dips 5-4-3-2-1
II. Ring Dips 5-5-5-5-5
III. Modified Ring/Static Dips 5-5-5-5-5

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“Metabolic Conditioning”
For time
Run 800m
3 rounds of
10 x Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
Run 200m
50 x V-ups
50 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups

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Skill Development
I. CFNE Bulletproof Shoulders Regimen:
1. Side Plank Rotation+Scap Squeeze (20 reps L + 20 reps R)
2. Modified Push-up Y-Hold (3 sets of :15 L + :15 R)
3. Scap Push-ups (15 reps)
4. Box T-Flies w/ thumbs up, arms straight (3-4 sets of 5 reps with :05 manually resist scapulae retraction; partner assisted)
5. Box W-Flies w/ Pinkies out, elbows at 90 degrees (3-4 sets of 5 reps with :05 manually resist scapulae retraction; partner assisted)
6. Rotator Cuff Isolation (15 reps R + 15 reps L)

II. Mobility
-Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
-Choose 2-3 Lower Body Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
-Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

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By Samy Daghir / July 17, 2016 / 3 Comments

FullSizeRender-45Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2-3 rounds of
10 x Wallball (20/14)
10 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Walking Lunges
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Front Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before working to establish a 3-rep maximum for Front Squat.

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3RM

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Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of
Push Press (115/75)
Slamball (40/20)

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By Samy Daghir / July 14, 2016 / 2 Comments

IMG_9391Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Pull-ups (Deadhang)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
15 x Overhead Squat (PVC)
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Snatch Triples
Warm-up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps recommended) before completing the following workload for Snatch.

Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

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“Bergeron Beep Test” (Courtesy CFNE)
Complete the following every minute on the minute, for as long as possible
7 x Thrusters (75/55)
7 x Pull-ups
7 x Burpees

Notes: Minimum work requirement is 10 rounds. If you are unable to complete 10 rounds, rest as needed and continue till 10 rounds are completed.

Post rounds completed or time for 10 rounds to comments.

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By Samy Daghir / July 13, 2016 / 2 Comments

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 10.49.07 PM

“In every age, no matter how cruel the oppression carried on by those in power, there have been those who struggled for a different world. I believe this is the genius of humankind, the thing that makes us half divine: the fact that some human beings can envision a world that has never existed.”–Anne Braden

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 6:00 Dynamic Mobility
25ft Duck Walk
25ft Crab Walk
25ft Bear Crawl
25ft Inchworms
25ft Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpion Stretch
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Push/Split Jerk Doubles
Warm up as needed before completing the following workload of Push/Split Jerk.

Push/Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2

Notes: Increase weight across sets with an emphasis on technique over maximum possible load.

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For time
10 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
15 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
20 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
25 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
20 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
15 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint
10 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1 x Sandbag Sprint

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Skill Development
Ring Support Hold: 4 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Rest 1:00
Ring Support Hold: 4 Rounds of (:10 on x :05 rest)

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By Samy Daghir / July 12, 2016 / 4 Comments

FullSizeRender-44Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Power Clean (45lbs)
5 x Front Squat
5 x Push Press
5 x Overhead Squat
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus #1: Overhead Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before completing the following workload. Increase weight each set, working towards a 1-rep max for the day.

Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1

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Impact/Focus #2: Power Clean
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps each) before completing the following workload for Power Clean.

Power Clean 4-4-4-4 (75%)

Notes: Athletes should attempt to complete 4 x Touch N’ Go repetitions; warm-up well in order to facilitate 4 working sets at 75% of a recent 1RM. Reference numbers from 06.07.2016

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5-10:00 Metabolic Conditioning

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By Samy Daghir / July 11, 2016 / 3 Comments

Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 11.01.06 PM“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
— Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility

“Four Fiddies”
For time
Row 50kcal
50 x Handstand Push-ups
50 x Medicine Ball Clean (+Over-Shoulder)
50 x GHD Sit-ups

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Skill Development (Post WOD)
4 Rounds for quality of
8 x Barbell Row
4 x Turkish Get-ups (2R+2L)

Notes: Increase weight across both movements per round if possible to ensure a progressively challenging workload. Turkish Get-ups may be executed 2 reps per left side + 2 reps right; OR 1 rep left + 1 rep right + 1 rep left + 1 rep right during each round. Overhand grip for the Barbell Row.

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By Samy Daghir / July 10, 2016 / 2 Comments


Daren showing how we support R.E.D. Friday’s @ CFNH.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Pull-ups
7 x Hindu Push-ups
10 x Goblet Squats (24/16)
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Front Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before working to establish a 5-rep maximum for Front Squat.

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5RM

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Complete 4 rounds for time of
8 x Box Jumps (30/24)(Step Down)
10 x  Pull-ups
16 x KB Snatch (24/16)(8L/8R)

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Skill Development
5 sets for Quality
10 x Push-ups

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By Samy Daghir / July 7, 2016 / 3 Comments

FullSizeRender-43Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 x Barbell Row
5 x Power Snatch
5 x Klokov Press
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Snatch Complex
Warm up as needed (3 sets) before working to establish a maximum effort in the following snatch complex.

1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Snatch

Notes: Quality before weight today will be the focus as we’ll be shifting our focus to the full lifts in the coming weeks.

“Project Thunder”
Complete 5 rounds for time of
10 x Deadlift (225/155)
20 x Wallball (20/14)

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Skill Development
For time
100 x V-ups

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