Wednesday 04.24.2019

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— Our Next On-Ramp class begins Tuesday, May 7th @ 6pm. Tell your friends!
On-Ramp Information Link found HERE.

Warm-up Drills (A)
I. Row 500m
II. 2 Rounds of
5 x Barbell Row
5 x SDHP
5 x Full Cleans
5 x Push Jerk
10 x Hollow Rocks
III. Dynamic Drills
IV. Mobility

Warm-up Drills (B) Barbell Complex
With an 5:00 time cap grab a barbell and weights before working through the following warm-up sets/reps in preparation for the Impact/Focus: Barbell Grinder.

3-5 Rounds of

3 x Power Clean +
3 x Front Squat +
3 x Push Jerk

Impact/Focus: The Barbell Grinder
10 rounds, Every :75, of the following Barbell Clean Complex
2 x Power Clean +
2 x Front Squat +
2 x Push Jerk

Notes: Complete each complex as one continuous set, once the bar leaves the floor, other than touch and go Power Cleans, the athlete does not put the weight down or let go until the 9 reps are finished.

L4 (plain silly): 185/135lbs
L3 (rx+): 155/115lbs
L2 (rx): 135/95lbs
L1 (scaled): 65-95/35-75lbs

**These are just guidelines and helpful milestone weights for athletes to reference in logging and progressing.

Post sets/reps/weights to comments.

Climbing AMRAP x 3:00
Row 50m (+50 meters per Round)
Slamball x 5 (+5 reps per Round)

Rest 1:00

Climbing AMRAP 3:00 of
Row 50m (+50 meters per Round)
Slamball x 5 (+5 reps per Round)

Rest 1:00

Climbing AMRAP 3:00 of
Row 50m (+50 meters per Round)
Slamball x 5 (+5 reps per Round)

Notes: Continue each AMRAP where the previous concluded.

Post cumulative scores as distance/reps completed to comments.

Samy Daghir

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