Tuesday 12.17.2019

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills & Foam Roller Therapy
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Strict Pull-ups & Ring Rows
Complete the following EMOTM (every minute on the minute) workload for Strict Pull-ups, scaled to Ring Rows x 2 repetitions. After the first ten minutes take one minute to rest and reset before proceeding through the Pull-up/Ring Row work capacity training.

10:00 x EMOTM
5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1 reps
(**Strict Pull-ups or Ring Rows)

Rest 1:00

5:00 x Max Reps as follows
(**Kipping Pull-ups or Ring Rows)

Notes: Additional points of performance, range of motion objectives, and scaling through Rx+ options will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

“Hot Toddy”
AMRAP 12:00 of
Row 250m
5 x Snatch (95/65lbs)
10 x Bar Facing Burpees

Notes: Points of performance and movements standards will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development: Kip & Core Conditioning
3-5 Rounds of assigned reps/timed hold (as a class)
3-5 x Shoot-Through Drill (2 KB’s or Paralette Set-up, etc.)
:10 to :20 x L/V-sit Hold (or 20 x Hollow Rocks)

Notes: Shoot-Through Drill has a Push-up from forward leaning plank on the front of the gymnastic/kipping movement complex, and a modified Dip on the end of the complex.

Samy Daghir

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