Tuesday Home/Virtual WOD 04.21.2020

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Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times

Daily @9amhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/79315338626

Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626

Daily @6pmhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/75260363780

Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780

Warm-up Drills
I. Movements & Drills x 2 Rounds
20 x Jumping Jacks
20 seconds x Hollow Rocks
10 x Plank/Handstand Hold Shoulder Taps

II. Dynamics x 2 Rounds
20 x Pike Walk
20 x Tall Duck Walk
10 x Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpions

III. Mobility & ‘Stretches’
Perform band or strap Hammy, Groin, ITB Strtech, Yoga Poses, Couch Stretch at own pace.

Impact/Focus: Task Priority x Pull, Push, L-sit
Complete the following versus a running 15:00 minute clock as expeditiously as possible with effort emphasized on deliberate and quality movement execution. Rest as needed between efforts to ensure this priority. Score and time cap are absolutely secondary to this today.

Complete 10-8-6-4-2 reps per movement or :15, :15, :12, :12, :9 second holds per the five rounds of work. Select from the following options.

Option 1: Pull-ups, Paralettes, & L-Sit
Strict Pull-ups, Banded/Scaled Pull-ups
Paralette Shoot Thru Drill
L-sit on Paralettes

Option 2: Pull-ups & Rings
Strict Pull-ups, Banded or Scaled Pull-ups
Ring Dips, Banded or Scaled Dips
L-sit on Rings

Option 3: Body Row, Weighted Row (DB,KB), Floor
Body Row or 1-arm Row x 2 for rep adjustments
(10R+10L, etc…)
Push-ups or box/bench dips
(10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds)
V-up static hold @ balance point or Hollow Rocks x 2 for rep adjustment
(20,16,12,8,4 rep rounds)

– One rep of the Paralette Shoot Thru Drill = 1 x Push-up + Shoot Thru to dip position + 1 x Dip + Reverse Shoot Thru to plank
– Hint: Save your kipping/jumping movement substitutions for TOMORROW if able to us bands, negatives and scaling to modify the strict strength side of today’s training.

Post option selected and scores to comments.

Complete for time versus a 20:00 time cap
21-18-15-12-9-6 reps for time of
American KB Swings (heavy)
**Each round finishes with a 200m Run.

Notes: Substitutions for each of the running distances would be as follows; Row 35kcal, 150 x Single-unders, 125 x Lateral Hops ‘Ski Drill’ over dumbbell, 100 x Mountain Climbers (50L+50R), or 75 x Double-unders.

Ok, how about a Run distance set-up tip for today…
Most parking spot are ten feet line to line (left to right) thus 60 parking spots (or 30 spots there and back) should suffice for the 200m running distance well if any of the crew are in a long parking lot for their training.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Home/Virtual WOD 04.21.2020”

  1. Impact focus: Option 3 (20lb DB row, bench dips, holllow rocks)

    Drifters: 20:17 (20lb kettlebag, subbed 100 jumping jacks for the run)

  2. Impact focus: Option 1 (Sitting pull ups using high-back solid wood chairs) @ 12:30
    “Drifters”: @19:34 (150 SUs/35# KB)


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