Thursday Home/Virtual WOD 04.30.2020

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Holly & Ninjas Emme and Avery have definitely got the art skills with this finely crafted emblem (THANK YOU! GET AFTER IT TODAY!)

Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times

Daily @9am

Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626

Daily @6pm

Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780


Warm-up Drills
I. Moving
Run for 4 minutes or 800m,
Row for 3:00 or 60kcal row for the Men, 42kcal for the Ladies

II. Foam Rolling; See notes below the rest of the long detailed warmup fun fest ahead.

-Hollow Body Position T-Spine
(Bear Hug R arm Top + L arm top)
-Arched Body Position T-Spine
(Bear Hug R arm Top + L arm top)
-Overhead with Arms for Thoracic Spine, Back, Scaps, Lats, etc working to open up the breathing ad range of motion to the pressing overhead lockout and Pull-up hang positions.
-Figure Four for Glutes
-Hammies & Adductors
-Calves/Solues/ankle… the entirety of that sore lower rear limb area (posterior).
-Quads, everyones favorite, focusing some rolling on middle outer and inner thighs.
-IT Bands. Yes, we will show you how. Again.
-Finish with those Lats and pec major

Notes: Today we get right through into it and through it with no wasted time under pressure or pain trigger points. The idea is head to toe blood movement and warmup of your CrossFittin’ tissues. As a class we will ‘roll’ right through the series as follows:

III. Dynamic Drills & Yoga Poses

Dynamic Drills: @ 10-20 reps/steps
-Tall Duck Walk
-Pike Walk
-Reverse Lunges (in place)
-Stiff Legged Bear Crawl
-Low Bear Crawl in reverse
-Glute/Back Bridges

Yoga Poses @ 10-30 seconds
The poses are held by most athletes for about
:10 to :30 seconds based on the specific needs of each.

-Child’s Pose, Seal Stretch, Fragon, Down Dog, Modified Couch Stretch
(these four are general suggestions / personal preferences)

IV. Pulling, Push-up Specific Pressing Movements, Air Squats $& Pistols, Overhead Pressing Movements will each have a specificities  movement specific & Benchmark performance specific mini warm-up series. Below the”Cindy/Mary” write up is an outline based on our coach’s notes that we are hoping we can keep on task for and work for four minute stations with brief guidance before each changeover.

Reference score from 08.05.2019 which may be found following the link to that day’s training post HERE.

Benchmarks: “Cindy/Mary”
Choose one of the following options

Cindy” (Option 1)
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squat

“Mary” (Option 2)
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Pistols (5L/5R)(Alternating)
15 x Pull-ups

Post workout choice and rounds/reps completed to comments.

Specific Warm-up and Preparation Details: 

I. Pull-ups/Pulling Preparation

4-3-2-1 rep sets 

Movements and scaled movements would include Pull-ups, # strict reps or # kipping with controlled negatives

Those performing banded pull-ups for today’s Benchmark complete 4,3,2.1 each of scap pull-ups & controlled kips from hollow to arch hanging from bar

7-5-3-1 rep sets for those using the body or ring row movements to train today.

II. Warming up the Push-ups, Core, & Squat Movements

2 Rounds of 

10 x Shouldar Taps from plank (slow is smooth smooth is fast) 

6 x cat cows with breathing drill 

7/5reps x Bench, Band, Wall Therapy Air Squars or Box Squats 

Notes: Last 5 reps will be accelerated drops to prepare intensity poured onto those Gymnastics movements once we 3-2-1 go; this simply means tight core whille pulling hips back and down into the deepest and most stable bottom squat position before returning to the standing pos. As normal tempo dictates.

III. Pressing Overhead Movement Warm-up Sets and Options for Scaling

4,3,2,1 x Handstand Push-ups

These may be executed as strict or Kipping style reps, Push-ups are not hand release but chest must touch deck and elbows must be at lockout with body at the standard of plank position for end ROM and ideal rep credit achieved. Attention to detail, ninjas, it’s what you make of it.

Scaled movements include Elevated hand position pushups (ie, on a box), snake style pushups, or Knee pushups. repeat or exceed the record standard from your last attempt if you’ve got a previous score.

Samy Daghir

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