Thursday Home/Virtual WOD 06.04.2020

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Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times

Daily @9am

Meeting ID: 793 1533 8626

Daily @6pm

Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 10-8-6 for quality of
KB Swings
PVC Passthroughs
III. Mobility/Yoga Poses
(Emphasis ankles, knees, hips)

Impact/Focus: Gymnastics EMOTM
Complete 10 Rounds, on the :90 seconds of

5-8 x Strict Pull-ups or L-sit Pull-ups
:15 seconds x Handstand Hold or 3 x Strict/Kipping Handstand Push-ups

Notes: Complete both movements during each :90 of work. Scale Pulling movements and Handstand Holds as needed to facilitate work volume assigned.

Post scores to comments.

Run 400m

22-16-10 reps of
1-arm Dumbbell/KB Snatch
Mountain Climber K2E’s

Run 400m

22-16-10 reps of
1-arm Dumbbell/KB Snatch
Mountain Climber K2E’s

Run 400m

Notes: Each rep of the Mountain Climber K2E brings the knee to touch the elbow in a controlled ROM with a deliberate pause before moving back into the plank position. Described relatively this is a more controlled mountain climber with a more focused core component emphasis.

Scaled WOD Example:

Run 200m

12-10-8 reps of
1-arm Dumbbell/KB Snatch
Mountain Climber K2E’s

Run 200m

12-10-8 reps of
1-arm Dumbbell/KB Snatch
Mountain Climber K2E’s

Run 200m

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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