Wednesday 03.09.2022

Posted in
Heidi getting after 22.2! (insert generic Y-emote here)

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamics & Mobility
III. WOD Format & Gear Set-up

Impact/Focus: Clean Ladder & Double-unders
Warm-up Sets/Reps x 5 Minutes

Then… Versus a 12:00 Running Clock

Each Round is as follows:

25 x Double-unders
1 x Full Clean (climbing weight per round)

Starting at 95/65lbs athletes may increase weight by up to 20/10lbs per round.
Each Full Clean has a 25 x Double-under buy in (Scaled Doubles x 15, or Single-unders x 35 reps).
Change weights before performing Jumprope sets.
Primary Objective is to climb as heavy as possible across the Full Cleans.
Secondary Objective is to complete 8-10 successful Rounds.

Post scores to comments.

“Charles Slamson”
For Time
35 x Slamball to begin, then…

5 Rounds of
7 x C2B Pull-ups
12 x Push-ups
20 x Air Squats

Finish with…
20 x Slamball

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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