Wednesday 08.24.2022

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YESSSSSSSS, GENE!!! (and friends, also pictured)

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Dumbbell Press 5-3-1+
5:00 x Movement Review,
Points of Performance Breakdown &
Warm-up sets x climbing towards starting weights.

5 Rounds; on the 2:00 of

5 x 75& 1RM
4 x 80% 1RM
3 x 85% 1RM
1+ x 95% 1RM

Cooldown Set:
10-20 x <40% 1RM


  • Finish with a light weight set x 10 to 20 reps.
  • Reference 1RM Dumbbell Press to determine weights.
  • The final set is for max reps.

Post scores to comments.

“Karen’s Tax Break Program”
For time
150 x Wallball (20/14lbs)

**Every break in a set of Wallball = Double/Single Under Tax before continuing**

Tax Brackets:
I. Scaled: 30 reps of Single Unders (+30 reps per tax event)
II. Intermediate Scaled: 10 or 15 reps x Double Unders (+10/15 reps per tax event)
III. Rx: 20 reps of Double Unders (+10/15 reps per tax event)


  • Today is a task priority workout; there is an additional objective of completing this WOD in as few sets of Wallball as possible. See below for a breakdown of the ‘tax incentives’.
  • There will be a 15:00 time cap.
  • Every time an athlete rests/breaks up a set of Wallball they will complete a Double Under or Single Under task before returning to the fight.
  • First tax is 20 reps of Double-unders or 30 reps of single-unders; each tax after the first adds +20 reps/+30 reps respectively.
  • ie. First tax = 20/30 reps, Second tax = 40/60 reps… etc.
  • Scaled Volume = 100 reps… however, Corrections won’t scale soooooo…..

Post times and number of double under sets completed to comments (set/rep breakdown is known as logbook gold).

Samy Daghir

1 thought on “Wednesday 08.24.2022”

  1. Impact/Focus: Dumbbell Press 5-3-1+

    “Karen’s Tax Break Program”
    6 rounds + 15 wallballs

    Notes: tried the 30lbs for press and could not do it correctly so I went back down to 25. Jump rope broke so on the fly thought of high knees instead with a 30 rep. Broke it down to
    -15x wallballs
    -30x highknees


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