Wednesday 09.21.2022

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Abe hits a five hundo deadlift & celebrates like Napoleon Dynamite!!!! YESSS!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400
II. Foam Rolling, T-spine, Lats & Overhead Drills
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Handstand Push-ups & Skill Drills
Warm-up & Set-up Efforts vs. 5:00
Then… Select one of the following options and work through the following intervals.

8-10 Rounds of (:30 seconds work x :30 seconds rest)

I. Wall Walks x Reps
II. Kick-up to Wall + Holds/Negatives
III. Kipping or Scaled Handstand Push-ups x Reps
IV. Strict Handstand Push-ups x Reps
V. Handstand Walk x Distance

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“Coy Fish”
15:00 AMRAP of

1 x Rope Climb
7 x Handstand Push-ups
Run 400m

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development
For Quality
4 Sets of 12 reps x
GHD Back Extensions
4 sets of :12 seconds x
L-sit Hold

Samy Daghir

1 thought on “Wednesday 09.21.2022”

  1. Impact/Focus: Handstand Push-ups & Skill Drills
    II. Kick-up to Wall + Holds/Negatives

    “Coy Fish”
    3 rounds + 16 rep (Subbed rope for pull ups and dips)

    Skill Development


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