Wednesday 05.31.2023

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500 or Run 400m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Barbell Row
Movement Instruction + Warm-up sets and reps
Every 2:00 x 7 Rounds
Complete the following

Barbell Row x 8-5-3-3-5-8-10

Notes: Climb weight as able. Execute for quality and with attention to detail on points of performance for range of motion; to include elbow track. The final set of 10 reps is meant to be a drop set lighter than the previous.

Post scores to comments.

“Trap House”
AMRAP 7:00 of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups

Rest 3:00, Then…

AMRAP 7:00 of
7 x Burpees
7 x Ring Row

Notes: Scaling and points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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